Transfer of Lease Agreement upon Change of Ownership

Transfer of Lease Agreement Upon Change of Ownership: What You Need to Know

When a business changes ownership, it’s not just the physical assets that are transferred. The legal obligations, such as leases, also need to be addressed. If you are a tenant and your landlord is selling the property, you may be wondering what will happen to your lease. Fear not, as there are specific rules and procedures for the transfer of a lease agreement.

What is a Lease Agreement?

A lease agreement is a legal contract between a tenant and a landlord that outlines the terms and conditions of renting a property. It includes details such as rent amount, the length of the lease, and any restrictions or rules that the tenant must follow.

What Happens When There is a Change of Ownership?

When there is a change of ownership, the lease agreement is not automatically terminated. The new owner inherits the existing lease and must abide by the terms and conditions set out in the contract. As a tenant, you still have the same legal rights and must fulfill the responsibilities outlined in the lease.

The transfer of the lease agreement typically happens through an assignment or a novation. An assignment is a transfer of the lease from the original tenant to a new tenant. A novation is a three-way agreement between the original tenant, the new tenant, and the landlord. In a novation, the new tenant takes on all of the obligations and responsibilities of the existing lease agreement.

What Should You Do If You are a Tenant?

If you are a tenant and your landlord is selling the property, it is important to review your lease agreement and understand your rights and responsibilities. You may need to work with the new owner to complete the transfer of the lease agreement.

It is recommended that you document the transfer of the lease agreement in writing and have all parties sign the agreement. This will ensure that all parties are aware of the terms and conditions of the transfer and can refer to it in the future if necessary.


When a landlord sells a property, it can be a stressful time for tenants. However, it is crucial to understand that your lease agreement does not automatically terminate. The new owner inherits the existing lease and must abide by the terms and conditions set out in the contract.

As a tenant, it is important to review your lease agreement and work with the new owner to complete the transfer of the lease agreement. By documenting the transfer in writing, you can ensure that all parties are aware of the terms and conditions of the transfer and can refer to it in the future if necessary.

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