Sample Last Chance Agreement for Attendance

A last chance agreement for attendance is an important document that outlines the expectations and consequences for an employee who has demonstrated a pattern of absences or tardiness. This agreement is often used as a final step before termination and can provide the employee with a last opportunity to correct their attendance issues and retain their job.

A well-written last chance agreement for attendance contains specific guidelines and expectations that the employee must adhere to in order to remain employed. These guidelines may include:

1. The employee must arrive at work on time every day and be present for their entire shift.

2. The employee must provide advance notice for any planned absences or tardiness and must make reasonable efforts to make up any missed work.

3. The employee must not exceed a certain number of absences or tardiness within a specified period of time.

4. The employee must agree to regular check-ins with their supervisor to discuss their progress and any challenges they may be facing.

It is also important to include a clear statement of consequences for failing to meet the expectations outlined in the agreement. This may include termination of employment or other disciplinary actions.

A sample last chance agreement for attendance may look something like this:

Dear [Employee Name],

As discussed during our recent meeting, your attendance has become a concern for this organization. We value your contributions to the team and want to provide you with one final opportunity to correct your attendance issues before taking further action.

Effective immediately, we are implementing a last chance agreement for attendance. The expectations and consequences of this agreement are as follows:


1. You must arrive at work on time every day and be present for your entire shift.

2. You must provide advance notice for any planned absences or tardiness and must make reasonable efforts to make up any missed work.

3. You must not exceed three absences or five tardies within the next 90 days.

4. You must agree to regular check-ins with your supervisor to discuss your progress and any challenges you may be facing.


1. Failure to meet the expectations outlined in this agreement may result in termination of your employment.

2. If you meet the expectations outlined in this agreement, you will continue to be employed with our organization.

Please review this agreement carefully and sign below to indicate your understanding and agreement to its terms.


[Employer Name]

[Employee Signature] [Date]

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